Review Criteria & Guidelines

Review Criteria:

TTLC2017 employs a blind peer-reviewed format. The following are criteria for acceptance of a paper for publication for the TTLC2017 Publication (Book) & the SEARCH Journal:

Standard and Criteria

Manuscripts that exhibit the following characteristics will meet the selection criteria for publication.

  • Content: Original research with significant findings that contribute to the discipline that also command a general interest.
  • Presentation: Systematic and well-organized prose whereby an argument flows and is easily comprehendable.
  • Language: Simple, lucid and highly intelligible to a general intellectual audience. There should be minimal usage of specialized terms, jargon or technical language; if unavoidable, an explanatory note should be included.

Manuscripts that are not accepted for publication include those that are too elementary, poorly written and/or poorly organized, incoherent, too specialized in scope, unduly technical, or are excessively long.

TTLC2017 Publication (Book) & SEARCH Journal Peer-Review Process

  • Submitted manuscripts goes through a review process that normally takes between 4 to 6 months.
  • A blind review is practiced so that neither contributor nor reviewers are known to one another.
  • The Editor-in-Chief will have the first initial review of the paper on its suitability and relevance in consultation with members of the Internal Review Panel. If appropriate, reviewers are identified again through consultation among the Internal Review Panel. If the review reports are unfavorable, the Editor-in Chief, in discussion with the Review Panel, decides whether an outright rejection is advisable or to seek another reviewer before a final decision is made.
  • In the event of rejection, the author of the paper is notified. If the reviews are encouraging, the author is notified; the review feedback will be provided for the author to undertake revisions in line with the reviewers’ comments and suggestions.
  • The revised paper when received by the Editor-in-Chief will again be evaluated to ensure that all issues raised by the reviewers have been addressed. If deemed necessary, the revised paper is forwarded to the reviewers for another reading. When all aspects are satisfied, the author is notified that his/her paper has gone through the review process and is now accepted for publication in a forthcoming issue of the TTLC2017 Publication (Book) or SEARCH journal.



US English


  • Times New Roman
  • Font size 12
  • Double-spaced
  • Justified margins
  • Must include
  • Title page (title of the paper, name of author(s), institutional affiliation, present position and complete address (including telephone/fax and e-mail)
  • Abstract (250–300 words and consists of a list of keywords (up to five keywords)
  • Main body and references

IMPORTANT: Do not include any identification info in the initial manuscript submitted so as to facilitate blind review process.

Number of Words

8000-10000 words

Reference Style

APA (American Psychological Association, 6th edition)

Refer to:

Reference List

Entries in the list must be listed alphabetically except in the numbered system of sequential citation. The rules for alphabetization are:

  • first, all works by the author alone, ordered chronologically by year of publication,
  • next, all works by the author with a co-author, ordered alphabetically by co-author,
  • finally, all works by the author with several co-authors, ordered chronologically by year of publication


The suggested structure of an empirical research paper includes

  • introduction
  • background of the study
  • statement of problem
  • literature review
  • theoretical construct
  • methodology
  • findings/analysis
  • discussion
  • conclusion
  • acknowledgements (if any)

Authorship and affiliation

Authors attest that all persons designated as authors qualify for authorship and all those who qualify are listed. Only appropriate co-authors should be included on the paper, and all co-authors have seen and approved the final version of the paper and agreed to its submission for publication.


  • Not more than 50 words in length.
  • Should be as concise as possible but informative enough to facilitate information retrieval. 
  • Abbreviations should be avoided when constructing a manuscript title.


  • 250-300 words
  • A clear, concise and informative summary with scope and purpose, significant results and major conclusions as well as an indication of any new findings.
  • It should be a stand-alone document that can be understood without reading the full manuscript.
  • Abstract should not contain literature citations that refer to the main list of references attached to the complete article nor allusions to the illustrations.


Provide 3–5 specific and suitable keywords related to the manuscript.

(Keywords facilitate the retrieval of articles by search engines and will be used for indexing purposes, therefore do not use general terms.)


If you copy illustrations and figures from other works, you must obtain permission from the copyright holder (usually the original publisher) for both the print and online format.

  • Please be aware that some publishers do not grant electronic rights for free and that SEARCH will not be able to refund any costs that may have been incurred in receiving these permissions. As an alternative, material from other sources should be used.
  • The source must be acknowledged in the legend or table heading. If the source is in a foreign language, please provide a translation.

Images, Illustrations, Tables, Photos and Other Supplementary Materials

Authors are welcome to submit digital supplementary materials, e.g., figures, images, maps, diagrams, photos, etc., together with their manuscript so long as they have appropriate permission from the copyright holder.

  • All of the materials must come with appropriate captions.
  • Each author is responsible for acquiring copyright of complimentary materials and must provide a letter of permission from the appropriate party (for instance institution, publisher, person, archive, etc) prior to submitting the manuscript.
  • Without this official permission, such illustrations may not be included if the manuscript is accepted for publication.



Name your figure files with your name, "Fig", and the figure number, e.g., Miller-Fig1.eps.


Figure Lettering

  • To add lettering, it is best to use Helvetica or Arial (sans serif fonts) and avoid effects such as shading, outline letters, etc.
  • Keep lettering consistently sized throughout your final-sized artwork, usually about 2–3 mm (8–12 pt).
  • Variance of type size within an illustration should be minimal, e.g. do not use 8-pt type on an axis and 20-pt type for the axis label.
  • Do not include titles or captions in your illustrations.

Figure Captions and Numbering

  • Number the figures consecutively using the chapter number (e.g., Fig. 1.1). Figure parts should be denoted by lowercase letters (a, b, c, etc).
  • Each figure should have a concise caption describing accurately what the figure depicts. Include the captions in the text file of the manuscript, not in the figure file.
  • Figure captions begin with the term Fig. in bold type, followed by the figure number, also in bold type.
  • No punctuation is to be included after the number, nor is any punctuation to be placed at the end of the caption.
  • Identify all elements found in the figure in the figure caption; and use boxes, circles, etc. as coordinate points in graphs.
  • Identify previously published material by giving the original source in the form of a reference citation at the end of the figure caption.


Illustrations submitted should be as separate digital files, not embedded in text.


The files should follow these guidelines:

  • 300 dpi or higher in pixel size.
  • Sized to fit on page with measurement of 15.2 cm (5 in) × 21.5 cm (7.5 in). 4
  •  JPEG, TIFF or EPS format only.


Tables must be prepared using MS Word only and fully editable with the same software. 

They should follow the following guidelines:


  • Do not submit tables as embedded images in the manuscript.
  • Do not provide the tables in tab-delimited form.
  • Number the tables consecutively using the chapter number (e.g., Table 1.1) and ensure that all the tables are cited in the text in the correct order.
  • Give each table a heading.
  • To format the table columns, use the table function.
  • Do not use the space bar to separate columns
  • If a table cell is to be left empty, please type a hyphen ( - ) in it.
  • Please do not treat simple, one-column lists as tables, but instead set them as part of the running text. Use the displayed list function instead.
  • Save the tables in the same file as the text, references, and figure legends.
  • Proper rows and columns must be constructed, with data inserted using a min font size of 8 pt.
  • A table width must not exceed 5 inches. Authors are responsible to make the necessary reorganization and re-structuring of tables whenever it exceeds 5 inches.

Proofs and Publication

Proofs, prior to final publication, will be sent to corresponding authors via email.  

To avoid delays in publication, proofs should be checked immediately for typographical errors and returned as instructed in the proof e-mail.

Copyright Policy

  • Upon acceptance of an article, authors will be asked to transfer copyright. A notification email will be sent to the corresponding author confirming receipt of the manuscript.
  • If excerpts from other copyrighted works are included, the author(s) must obtain written permission from the copyright owners and credit the source(s) in the article.

Technical terms

  • Ensure that the spelling of names, terms and abbreviations are consistent, including in tables and figure legends.
  • Abbreviations, except for very common ones, must be defined the first time they are used, and a list supplied with the manuscript.
  • Please always use internationally accepted signs and symbols for units, so-called SI units.
  • Chemical compounds should be named according to the systematic rules of the IUPAC or Chemical Abstracts.
  • Species and genus names, mathematical/physical variables, and prefixes in chemical compounds should be set in italic type (cis/trans, d/l, E/Z, o/m/p, R/S, t-Bu, tert-butyl).
  • L and D indicating optical activity should be set in SMALL CAPITALS (D- and L-dopa).